Johnathan Price

Why I am here

Why I am here

During my time as student and volunteer staff, I found that life change through adventure was powerful and permanent. Partnering with Bighorn allows me to live out my calling to aid others in discovering the life-changing love of God through adventures in His creation. I am passionate about meeting people where they are at and helping them move towards Christ.


Johnathan grew up in the beautiful Bitterroot Valley in Montana. He was raised by a God-loving family as a tough Montana boy who spent his summers working on the family business building roads and bridges for the Forest Service. Camp ministry is something Johnathan grew up in and loved, but it was not something he ever considered as a full-time career option. He made his first visit to Bighorn at the age of 18 as a Journey student and fell in love with discipleship through adventure. After a year as a Journey intern, he joined full-time staff.

Johnathan Price

Journey Assistant Director


As the Journey Assitant Director, I work year-round to create all the adventure experiences offered within the Journey gap year internship.

  • Wilderness First Responder (WFR)
  • Ski Instructor (PSIA Level 1)
  • Avalanche Hazard Management (AIARE Level 1)
  • Outdoor Emergency Care Technician (OEC)
  • National Ski Patrol (NSP)
Fun Fact

I love the mountains, coffee, and I really enjoy stepping into relationships with people. Winter is my absolute favorite season and I enjoy all winter sports.

The Price Family
Johnathan, Brianna & Hudson Price


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