Monthly Update

October 2024

Beth Meaden
Beth Meaden
January 17, 2025

Bighorn in the Fall

This fall has been absolutely beautiful here at Bighorn, and we have also been busy! Between Journey, retreats, and events our season has been full.


Journey began in August, and they have spent the past few months learning how to adventure on the rock, in the mountains, and on the river. They have also been focusing on personal and spiritual development as well as building community. They are about to embark on their 21-day backpacking trip in Eastern Oregon. Historically, this trip is a time of major growth for the students.

Ministry Workers Retreat

We launched our first annual ministry worker's retreat! We had eight guests for the weekend to rest and adventure. It is our heart that ministry workers can come and be renewed spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically before returning to their ministries. If you know of a ministry workers who could benefit from a weekend away in the beauty of God's nature, send them our way!

Donor Thank You Banquet: Climb On

Our third annual donor thank you banquet was at the beginning of October. If you were able to make it, thank you for attending! If you were not, thank you for partnering with us through prayer and/or finances. Without your partnership, Camp Bighorn would not exist. We are so grateful for you!

Our mission is to embody the love of Jesus and develop Christ-honoring leaders.

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Ministry updates
and stories of life transformation

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Beth Meaden
Beth Meaden
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Beth Meaden
Beth Meaden
January 17, 2025

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We are excited to share the many stories of life-transformation that take place as we seek to embody the love of Jesus and develop Christ-honoring leaders.